The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

Print Management


One of the most sensitive subjects APS has been trusted with – the IICSA was set up because of serious concerns that organisations were continuing to fail to protect children from sexual abuse. We supported the inquiry across two projects: marketing campaign, ‘The Truth Project’ and the creation of reports based on the historic allegations, with the main report presented to Members of Parliament for review.


Working across secure systems to ensure confidentiality with highly sensitive material, our dedicated proofreading, copywriting and copy editing team handled sensitive data with the care and respect necessary for such a sensitive subject; managing a smooth delivery from artwork to production at our secure London print facility.

On average, 5 pieces per month were scheduled for publishing, which were then translated into the appropriate format, following the strict style setting and design guidelines previously set.


  • Omnichannel marketing campaign
  • Copy translated into 5 languages including Welsh
  • Delivered a 24-page booklet to distribute across offices around the country to raise awareness for the IICSA
  • Fast turnaround of production within 24hrs – an out of hours service
  • 30% cost saving on campaign rollout

We have received an exceptional customer service from the team at APS in the development of our key assets.APS has worked closely with our other partner agencies and has been instrumental in the creation of brand guidelines for the Truth Project. I’m happy to recommend APS to any prospective client seeking a professional and creative agency to meet their publication and print requirements.”


Head of Marketing, IICSA

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