Key takeaways from our webinar with two leading futurists
To dive deeper into the trends explored within our recent Horizon Scan Report, we brought together two leading futurists for a webinar on their view of the future landscape for financial services. Hosted by our own Innovation Strategist, Nik Venios and Ex VP of Research and Technology at Visa, Andrew Vorster, the engaging webinar considered thought provoking ideas and inspirational real-life practical examples.
So, what are the trends we can’t ignore?
- Trust
- Personal Data & Credit Scoring
- AI & Voice Interfaces
- Blockchain & Crypto Currencies
- The Future of Money
Our webinar covered practical examples of brands successfully implementing these trends and using innovation to pull away from the field. Don’t be left behind and find out how our innovation programme can unlock the full potential within your company this year and beyond. Download your copy or please get in touch with us to discuss how we can navigate these trends together.